Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Fighting back politically

Recently, again getting fired up about my relative helplessness as a citizen in getting the political hacks we elect to do anything, I wrote the following note as a proposal to send out to everybody I could think of. I sent it to an old friend for comments, which are attached. First my proposed mass email:

As a voting U.S. citizen, I'm tired of being disenfranchised by that antiquated system called "The Electoral College". It served its purpose but now it breaks our time-honored precept of "One man, one vote". Without rehashing all the reasons the Electoral College should be abolished and replaced by a principle of popular vote, I want my elected representatives (that would be you) to take action to change it.

Here's what will happen if you don't take action. Everyone listed on this email will vote AGAINST you at the next election. We intend for this email to be widely circulated, so potentially that can be a lot of votes. You have plenty of time, so if you don't want our active opposition at the next election, do something!

I picked an issue which has languished far too long (Electoral College), but the real message is in the threat. We can threaten politicians with an active campaign of opposition at their next election if they don't listen to their constituents.

Following is part of my friend's response."..However we think your message sounds too punitive at this point....I think a petition type message in which people are asked to sign or give permission to sign on their behalf."

Yeah, that's right, be nice. Our elected representatives, federal and state, really have listened to us in the past. That's how we got ERA passed and anti-polution laws passed and laws prohibiting corporations from doing what they do best, e.g. screw us over. NOT!!! I don't agree. Niceness only works when it's in person. When you're dealing with people at a distance, as all those government pricks do, it's much easier to trash our comments. I no longer have ANY hope of getting things done with niceness. So my above-quoted email still stands. Please, PLEASE feel free to copy it and send it to anyone/everyone you can think of. Elected officials may react out of fear better than out of moral convictions. So whoever it gets sent to, make sure a copy is forwarded to every official for whom you vote. Maybe you should put it in writing, because they ignore email. I don't know... your guess is as good as mine. If you get a REAL response, as opposed to the usual bland yada yada yada, let me know.

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