Friday, February 12, 2016

My Super-Powers!

Super-powers are not limited to comic strip characters.  We all probably have them, but don't recognize what a gift they are.

At my advanced age (which I probably ought to write in Roman numerals for appropriateness) I have found I have 2 such powers, and they are mighty  powers that contribute greatly to my comfort and happiness.
The first is Ignore-ance.  This is the power to simply not attend or recognize undesirable objects, people or thoughts.  Actually I haven't found any thoughts I want to Ignore. Yet.  So when someone gives me unpleasant and/or unwanted advice or directions, I simply use my superpower to negate their very existence.  I was doing ok before the unwanted events, and I will probably continue to do ok.  Ignore-ance can be blissful, especially in comparison to the effect really unpleasant news can have on you.

For instance, I never watch the local news any more.  It's all bad, crude, mean-spirited, stupid and violent.  I don't need it.  If it comes on, I use my superpower.  My life is doing just fine without knowing some idiot in a slum put his mother in a woodchipper. I don't need that news.

And that leads me to my second super-power, that of Indifference.  This is the power of not caring at all, not giving a damn.  Refusing to sob when I see a hurt puppy.  Refusing to go sleepless until all the trees in the rainforest are replanted and healthy.  Refusing to get excited over anything politicians say.  (They don't mean it anyway).  I am now considering which charities I want to use my superpower on.  Actually, I'm trying to think if there are any I don't want to use it on.

You can see that Ignore-ance and Indifference are great powers, and when combined even more so.  I can think of some family members (or former family members) that I will mentally obliterate as if they had never existed.   I hope to be able to not know about entire countries and maybe even continents.  I hope to live as if they don't exist.  Yeah, yeah, I know.  Some of them, the stupider ones, might even invade us.  Ho hum.  After they have been destroyed they will fall under my superpowers even more readily.

Give some thought to what superpowers you might already have!  Don't be wasting your time thinking about the impossible.  If you could fly the government would make you tattoo numbers on your butt for easier recognition.  Not a good thought.  And it's cold up there.  No, stick to the things you could actually have. It's even better if others don't know you have them.  Then they can be, like, secret weapons! 

So. good luck to you.  And don't be a pain or you will cease to exist, at least in my world.

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