Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Obesity and disability

Don't misunderstand me. I work with people with a variety of disabilities, more or less serious and chronic. I have no problem with the state providing financial aid and medical care; in fact, I'm proud that we do not let them "fall through the net".

I do have a problem with people who have a variety of bone and joint problems AND who are grossly overweight or obese. I see them walking with great difficulty and or managing with a wheelchair or canes. It's clear their obesity adds great additional stress to their joints, and increases their disability. I understand that they may have few other pleasures in life besides eating, but it seems to me that they should be doing everything they can to have a life, a job, a volunteer position helping others, or something, rather than making themselves worse.

Paying them for their self-aided disability is like forgiving a man who has killed his parents on the grounds of being an orphan. How much of the day must they spend stuffing food down their gullets? Since when is a physical disabilty grounds for endless self-indulgence?

I just don't feel any sympathy for self-inflicted wounds.

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