I apologize for my ignorance of physics. However, ignorance doesn't stop me from puzzling over the larger mysteries, such as the state of the universe at the moment of the Big Bang. In fact, ignorance seems assist me in being puzzled. So if you are knowledgeable in this area, you have my apology, and you might want to spend your time reading something more useful to you. Nevertheless I will appreciate any comments.
In the universe entropy always increases, which is to say the universe gradually becomes more disordered, ultimately resulting in a state of maximum entropy or disorder in which nothing can happen. Time has even been defined as taking its direction from increasing entropy, i.e. that time is the rate at which entropy increases.
The point-universe at the moment of the Big Bang was in minimum entropy, or maximum order. Since that moment. entropy and disorder have increased as we move slowly toward total disorganization. At the end of the universe, it will become a "soup" of undifferentiated states of energy in which nothing can happen. Time will have stopped since there can be no events. All the little fires will be out. Like a giant firework display, the Universe will have happened.
Prior to the Big Bang, what can be said of the nature of the universe? Probably we can't use the concept "prior" since there would have been no time in existence. Time requires events which it can discriminate between. A famous physicist (whose name I can't recall) said that time was what kept everything from happening all at once.
At the moment of the Big Bang, an event occurred and thus time began. We can't conceive of a prior universe existing without time. "Prior" requires a preceding time. Events require an increase in entropy, so there could be no events in a timeless universe. We do know that the universe at the moment of the Big Bang must have been in a state of minimum entropy/maximum order.
How did a state of maximum order occur, and how can it be described? The Big Bang was an event, and therefore it happened within time and space. How did that event happen prior to time? Once it has happened we can consider the order of events. But "before" the Big Bang nothing can exist. Time begins with the first event, the Big Bang.
To fall back into the supernatural and posit an agent who starts the Big Bang seems to me a cheap and superficial way of avoiding the problem. The Big Bang is itself a causeless cause. Since event history began with the Big Bang, it is pointless to assume a prior event.
Someone out there, please enlighten me. I also recognize that it may be impossible to do that, but I will appreciate the attempt.
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